Time is the #1 biggest advantage for young investors.
Get a head start
Start young and winning even earlier. Learning as a youth turns into a huge advantage later on.
Save the pain for later
Yes, there are risks in investing. But we’re here to help you and find workarounds to make your experience a lot easier.
Widen your scope
Think of this program as your first investment. With the knowledge we provide, you’ll be prepared and confident to make investments in the future and grow your wealth.
Register for our next Stock Pitch Competition!
(Date TBD)
Our Program
What sets us apart from other investing resources on the internet is our unwavering dedication to making learning about finance enjoyable and relevant for the younger generation.
Our bootcamps go beyond traditional approaches by incorporating real-world case studies, gamification, and interaction. By doing so, we ensure that our students not only grasp the concepts of investing but also experience firsthand how to apply them to real-life scenarios, whether it is stock pitches or writing in an economic journal.


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